What do you conjure when you think of happiness?

black girl in yellow dress


black girl in yellow dress



We’re all in a race to achieve success, fame, prosperity or whatever it might be. But what happens when we’ve reached the financial success or social recognition that we crave? What does life look like then? Are we only finally happy then? Fulfilled or still yearning for more?

When can we throw in the towel and say “Alright, I’m fully sated and want no more!” ? Will you ever fill content?

What do you think of when you think of happiness?


black girl in yellow dress


black girl in yellow dress


black girl in yellow dress


It’s shame that with all the ways that we’re connected with people far and wide, that we’ll most likely never meet in our life, we still end up feeling alone. We’re constantly told that there’s noise all around, yet in the midst of this we might still feel like we’re the only one in the world. Stuck in our bubble with nowhere to go and no one to listen to us.

What does contentment look like to you? What of happiness?


black girl in yellow dress


black girl in yellow dress


black girl in yellow dress


Quite recently, there’s been a number of high profile people who’ve taken their own lives. People that most would have been envious of, or would have even thought of exchanging lives with. Yet, they wanted no part of the life people yearned for or could only ever dream of.

Really, I want you to think deeply as you read this text, what makes you happy? How do you nurture contentment despite where you are now in your own journey?

Sometimes we look to others for the answers. But truth be told, some things in life you’ll have to find on your own. Only you knows what may lay ahead for you because you wield the free will to make of it what you want. So stop waiting on someone to hand you a blueprint! It just won’t fit your life.

Sometimes, all the rest of us can do is ask the necessary questions that get you to thinking about what you truly want. So instead of sitting here and writing a bunch of things as if I know the answers, I should perhaps be asking you the questions that you might need to deeply consider.

These questions might help you get rid of the distractions and narrow into what your want out of the time given to you. The only constant we’re told is change and that is true of seasons. Summer gives way to Autumn. And Autumn to Winter, leading up to Spring, then Summer again. No one remains the same and so is the seasons of life.


black girl in yellow dress


black girl in yellow dress


black girl in yellow dress



So how do you plan for winter whilst in the summer?

How do you prepare for the tough times ahead while everything is rosy? Or how do will you keep the faith when you’re being tried and tested?

How do will you remain anchored to the source of your being when the storms comes rolling in?

And what will keep you going when every part of you wants to give up?

Only you can find these answers. So you must begin to gather your necessities whilst things are still bountiful, because in life, the winter seasons are bound to come.

I hope we all find that which enriches us and affords us a fulfilling life.

Stay blessed.

Love always,



