I believe by now, it’s no secret that I love to experiment with new original food recipes.

With these easy peasy steps, you can get to eating healthily in no time!


Items Needed

2 eggs

2 tomatoes, chopped

1 onion bulb, sliced

1 clove of garlic, finely chopped

2 whole carrots, chopped into half pieces

1 teaspoon coconut oil

Seasoning: curry powder, dried thyme & 1 maggi cube

1 and half cup of cooked quinoa

Half an avocado, sliced into diagonal shapes




  • Heat coconut oil on medium heat, then add the chopped tomatoes, onions, garlic and carrots
  • Add seasoning and stir-fry until carrots are tender
  • Break eggs into a bowl and whisk into the vegetables
  • Stir egg to until scrambled, then add the quinoa
  • Stir them altogether for 5-7 minutes
  • Dish the quinoa omelette and garnish with avocado

Enjoy as a lunch meal or as a light dinner 🙂
